Dear instructors
Just a quick note to say a big thank you for the hard work and dedication you have all put into the ICP program. Having finally committed to doing this program, I have discovered a whole new journey which has only just begun. I am now enjoying Taekwondo even more than before. For the first time, I can now say that I understand the way in which you instruct and the reasons for the lessons taught in class. This has given me a whole new view of this martial arts and I now look even more forward to becoming and instructor myself one day. It has given me new focus and has encouraged me more than ever.
Please note that I would recommend that to all students who are serious about this martial arts, look at doing the ICP course at their earliest convenience. Even those students, who are not looking at instructing but would like to get more out of this discipline, would be well advised to enrol too.
Than you all, it is a privilege to be part of this unique school.